Sleep Apnea Dental Treatment

Sleep Apnea Dental Treatment Anderson SC
Sleep Apnea Ruins More Than Just Your Night
Sleep apnea robs your body of the rest and oxygen it needs to thrive. It is crucial that your brain has the time necessary to re-boot every single day. Your body, specifically your heart, collects stress throughout the day. When you finally go to sleep, your heart decelerates and begins to let go of those stresses it has gathered. Your blood pressure declines, and the pace of age-related diseases slows down. The ability to retain your physical wellbeing is dependent upon this downtime to revitalize and produce enough energy to tackle the next day. Heart attacks, strokes, cardiovascular disease, and, in severe circumstances, even death have all been connected to sleep disorders.

Cox Family Dentistry  
James T. Cox, III, DMD  
Dallas J. Kunkel, DMD  
101 Perpetual Square Drive 
Anderson, SC 29621  
(864) 226-4300 


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